Friday’s Photos: The Diaper Cake

Hey. Let’s get started on this cake.




In case you’re wondering, yes that is a pizza pan.


Making the cake:

I tied a slip knot in a string of yarn to hold the diapers in place as I added more of them. This was a three layer cake.



Once all the layers were in place I added some ribbon using a glue gun to hold it together then added some froggy toys.


This of course is not a froggy toy but a rose.


A froggy rattle.


Tracey donated these frog socks to the cause.


I saw the mommy and baby frogs on my way out of Wal-Mart.  In an instant my cake design focused and changed.


First try:

I didn’t like this but couldn’t figure out why. I was trying to give the feeling of the frogs being in a pond.


Final look:

About two o’clock in the morning I figured it out what was bothering me. I started pulling the leaves and stuff apart, praying I wasn’t making a mistake.

Here is the final result:





Curio’s Past, Shhh.