Summer is Over

I know I’m a little late on this post cause hel-lo it’s nearly Thanksgiving but I was looking for my post on voice to work on and ran across this. It’s short and fun so I hope you enjoy it anyway.

The music to listen to while your read is even more inappropriate for this time of year but who cares? I’ll probably use it again when it is. Seals & Crofts was one of my favorite groups growing up in the 1970’s. I adore them and their songs.


It’s a good thing my family doesn’t rely on our gardening to eat, otherwise we’d be very sad. And skinny. Not that skinny would be bad in my case but it’s not good to be around any of us when we’re hungry. We tend to get cranky about it.

We used two large green and orange containers to garden this year. It worked a little better than the straw bale but not as much as we hoped. To be honest I think it was more our fault than the containers cause I think we put too much in them.

We’ll probably try again next year. Danielle Meitiv has a barefoot method along with the containers. She knows how to grow an awesome garden. My friend Diane, who is also an awesome gardener, has sent me some tips and links, too. Mainly, I think, because I pout to her and she feels sorry for me. 😮

 We had a few more tomatoes after this picture but this was about it for the summer. Next year we need to plant in May instead of June. I think that’ll make a big difference to how much or many we grow.

After Paul brought in all these tomatoes then my dad brought over a big bag from his garden. They were delicious. We had a lot of sandwiches and salads garnished with tomatoes for several weeks. Anyone know any good recipes?

 I’m including this photo if for no other reason than to show how big we grow ’em here in North Carolina although Florida’s bugs are even bigger. See that shadow? It’s also known as Mcgillus’ Garden Beetle. They sneak in on the vegetables because they’re partial to cat food. They scurry for the bowl but the cats usually catch them before they make it. Crunch, crunch.

Not really, just joking. But doesn’t the shadow look like that of some mutated creature from one of those old sci-fi movies like Them?

To be honest our cats do like to munch on bugs so that much is true. I never worry about flies or moths for long because the cats and the dogs consider them yummy snacks. Ewww! But it’s useful.

How did your garden grow? Does your cats or dogs like to snack on bugs?


Curio’s Past, Shhh.